Expressions of Interest: Arts House Creative Advisory Group
Introducing Arts House’s Creative Advisory Group
The Creative Advisory Group (CAG) is a regular and collaborative forum in which significant conceptual and curatorial questions for contemporary arts practice relevant to Arts House’s work are examined and shared.
Its purpose is to ensure the Arts House Creative team are consulting widely, thinking broadly and engaging rigorously in contemporary cultural thinking and concerns, while also consistently refreshing circles of knowledge and networks. For CAG members, the forum provides transparency to Arts House’s curatorial process, and enhances an environment of safety, care and reflection in our work.
The Creative Advisory Group represents one strand of our Curatorial Methodology. You can read about our other approaches here.
The CAG is not a Board and does not carry financial direction. Arts House is part of the City of Melbourne: its governance is via City of Melbourne Councillors, and the Arts and Culture Committee led by Chair Councillor Jamal Hakim and Deputy Chair Elizabeth Doidge. The Arts House team are part of the Creative City Branch, led by Director Justine Hyde.
Applications for Arts House’s Creative Advisory Group are now closed.
What’s involved?
The Creative Advisory Group is comprised of up to 10 individuals, who are appointed via a public Expressions of Interest process that is assessed by the Arts House Creative team. Meetings may also include representatives from across the City of Melbourne, attending on a basis relevant to the topic.
Meeting dates for 2022 are:
- April 4, 2-5pm
- July 4, 2-5pm
- October 31, 2-5pm
CAG members are required to attend 4 Arts House shows each year (and will receive a single complimentary ticket to each show). Membership is a 2 year commitment, and attendance at meetings is compulsory. Each member is paid a $2000 honorarium per year, plus workcover and superannuation. If support persons are required they will also be remunerated if necessary.
Who are we looking for?
In the appointment of the CAG, Arts House seeks diversity of lived experience, professional practice and artform knowledge, as reflected in in our Artistic Vision and Values.
We are looking for people who reflect our programming priorities, and represent a mix of artforms, practices, generations and communities. We are especially interested to hear from people who identify as First Nations, d/Deaf, disabled and/or neuro-diverse, and People of Colour.
How to Apply
We want you to apply in the format that is easiest for you. You can submit in these formats:
- Written
- Video, uploaded via Vimeo or YouTube
- Auslan video (we can arrange interpretation of your video if needed)
- Audio
Applications for the Creative Advisory Group are now closed.
In answering the questions, you’ll need to respond to three selection criteria:
- Knowledge and experience across artforms
- Knowledge of the Australian arts landscape, and how Arts House plays a role
- Knowledge and connection to our local community
Key Dates
- EOIs open: Friday 28 January
- EOIs close: Monday 7 March
- Notification: Wed 16 March
- First Meeting: Monday 4 April
Got a Question?
Emily Sexton, Artistic Director
0447 570 178 (text only)
(03) 9322 3720
National Relay Service (NRS)
TTY users: phone 13 36 77 – then ask for – 03 9322 3720
Speak and Listen users: phone 1300 555 727 – then ask for – 03 9322 3720
Internet relay users: connect to the NRS ( – then type in – 03 9322 3720
Header image: Refuge INASI 2019, Photo by Bryony Jackson
Image description: Two people at the forefront of the image are speaking to each other. They are both smiling, and wearing bright floral shirts, and have strands of leaves draped around their necks. Around them, other people in the room are also seated at round tables and appear to be in discussion with each other.
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