Arts House is back with a new Disability and Inclusion Plan - Arts House

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Arts House is back with a new Disability and Inclusion Plan

Arts House is committed to making our events and performances accessible, and presenting work by Australia’s leading Deaf, disabled and or neurodiverse artists. This commitment addresses a core value of Arts House’s artistic vision and Disability Inclusion Action Plan – DIAP to celebrate difference and develop diverse audiences.

Arts House ushers in 2021 with a project that makes us particularly proud. 2020 gave us ample time to reflect on how we can do better, and the result was an extended period of deep consultation and research that resulted in our new Disability and Inclusion Access Plan, and initiative that will affect everything we do here.

Read more about the plan here.

Based around principles of respect, diversity and active engagement with communities, the action plan provides practical ways we can rethink and redesign the way art is created, presented and experienced at Arts House.

It was developed through consultation with an Advisory Group brought together for the specific purpose of determining what needs to be done and how best to do it. Meet the group here.

We see the plan as an evolving document, however, and so we are constantly on the hunt for ways to improve it. We welcome any thoughts or feedback you might have.



Image: Makeshift Gathering. Photo by J Forsyth.