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See what's in the works at Arts House
Arts House does much more than present incredible new work – there are always a whole bunch of artists experimenting, exploring and throwing ideas around behind the scenes, and we’re forever on the hunt for the most exciting minds to welcome into the mix.
That’s why we’re buzzing to announce the artists who’ll be dreaming up amazing work as part of our latest CultureLAB and Makeshift Publics programs.
CultureLAB is our longstanding method of supporting artists to create new projects, helping them take an idea and make it the best it can be. Some CultureLAB projects end up as the full scale shows or exhibitions you’re used to seeing at Arts House, while some mutate into very different forms nobody could have predicted.
Makeshift Publics is a different creature: we give artists the chance to develop potent and practical methods of rebuilding systems disrupted by the events of recent years, empowering them as agents who can provoke real social change.
You can read up on our CultureLAB artists and the projects they’ll be working on here, while all the dirt on our Makeshift Artists is available here.
And we’re not done yet. Coming up soon we’ll be announcing the first artists in our inaugural Warehouse Residency program.
We’d also like to extend our sincere thanks to the Artist Peers who contributed their enthusiasm, smarts and passion to our curatorial process: Joel Spring, Timmah Ball, Latai Taumoepeau, Hanna Cormick, Raag Bhatia, Eugyeene Teh, Priya Pavri, Moorina Bonini, Roberta Joy Rich and Riana Head-Touissaint.
Image credit: Bryony Jackson
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